EN A play performed by Branko Mihaljević Children’s Theatre and inspired by two short stories by James Joyce – The Cat and the Devil and The Cats of Copenhagen
– both written in 1936 in the form of a letter to his grandson Stephen.
The characters, costumes and set were for the most part based on my
illustrations from The Cat and the Devil picture book. |
HR Predstava u izvedbi Dječjeg kazališta Branka Mihaljevića, nadahnuta dvjema kratkim pričama Jamesa Joycea – Mačak i vrag i Mačke Kopenhagena
– napisanih 1936. u obliku pisma Joyceovu unuku Stephenu. Likovi,
kostimi i scenografija velikim su dijelom utemeljeni na mojim
ilustracijama koje sam naslikao za slikovnicu Mačak i vrag. |