
Ratko Zvrko, Ivana Čoh Šverko (director)
Scena “Gorica” (HR) 2016.
A play about Croatia’s most famous rascal with a heart of gold, based
on the classic children's poem written by Ratko Zvrko in 1967. The
play's visuals were based on my illustrations from the 2011 picture book
of the same name.
HR Predstava o
najpoznatijem mangupu zlatna srca u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti,
nastala prema klasičnoj pjesmici Ratka Zvrka iz 1967. godine. Vizuali su
bazirani na mojim ilustracijama iz istoimene slikovnice objavljene
2011. godine. |

James Joyce, Nikola Zavišić (director)
Dječje kazalište Branka Mihaljevića (HR) 2013.
EN A play inspired by two short stories by James Joyce – The Cat and the Devil and The Cats of Copenhagen
– both written in 1936 in the form of a letter to his grandson. The
characters, costumes and set were for the most part based on my
illustrations from The Cat and the Devil picture book.
HR Predstava nadahnuta dvjema kratkim pričama Jamesa Joycea – Mačak i vrag i Mačke Kopenhagena
– napisanih 1936. u obliku pisma unuku. Likovi, kostimi i scenografija
velikim su dijelom utemeljeni na mojim ilustracijama iz slikovnice Mačak i vrag. |

Kako živi Antuntun
Grigor Vitez, Tijana Zinajić (director)
SNG Nova Gorica (SI) 2011.
An award-winning “mini opera” by the Slovene national theatre Nova
Gorica, closely based on the children’s poem by Grigor Vitez and my
illustrations of the same poem.
HR Nagrađivana
“mini opera” Slovenskog narodnog gledališča Nova Gorica, čvrsto
utemeljena na antologijskoj pjesmi za djecu Grigora Viteza i mojim
ilustracijama te pjesme. |