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The Ugly Duckling /
Ružno pače

Hans Christian Andersen, Tomislav Torjanac (illustrator & story reteller)
Mozaik knjiga (HR) 2017.

EN The Ugly Duckling picture book was based on the fairy tale by H.C. Andersen, and mostly follows its basic plot. By retelling it, I tried to point out the problem of bullying to today’s children, that is, the importance of accepting children who, for whatever reason, are different and in some way the “ugly duckling” compared to their peers (they have developmental difficulties, come from low-income families, etc.).   HR Slikovnica Ružno pače nastala je prema bajci H.C. Andersena, i većinom prati njezin osnovni zaplet. Prepričavši je, nastojao sam današnjoj djeci ukazati na problematiku vršnjačkog nasilja (bullyinga), odnosno na važnost prihvaćanja djece koja su iz bilo kojeg razloga drukčija i na neki su način “ružno pače” u odnosu na svoje vršnjake (imaju poteškoće u razvoju, slabijeg su imovinskog statusa itd.).

The Ugly Duckling, front and back cover   Ružno pače, naslovnica i zaslovnica

For example, the ugly duckling is subjected to the rooster’s belittling because of his appearance, as well as to the mockery of the two teen ducklings who film him with their cell phones. In both cases, his (non-biological) duck mother and siblings come to his defense.   Na primjer, ružno pače zbog svoga izgleda biva izvrgnuto pijetlovu omalovažavanju te ruganju mladih patki – tinejdžerica koje ga snimaju mobitelima. U oba slučaja njegova (nebiološka) majka-patka i braća staju u njegovu obranu.

The Ugly Duckling, pages 8-9   Ružno pače, stranice 8-9

The picture book ends with a closed circle, that is, the mother duck becomes the narrator of the story to a new generation of her ducklings.   Slikovnica završava zatvorenim krugom, odnosno mama-patka postaje pripovjedač ove priče novom naraštaju svojih pačića.

The Ugly Duckling, pages 12-13   Ružno pače, stranice 12-13